Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I HATE Disneyland. Maybe it's better when it's less crowded on a weekday, but I still hate it. I'd much rather ride roller coasters and fast rides at a carnival. Last year we went to an Italian Festival here in Las Vegas and I went on the best ride I've ever been on in my life. Disney just doesn't do a thing for me. I had a carmel apple---and it didn't even come close to the one at Laguna Beach. But of course this trip wasn't for me---so it doesn't matter what I think. It was ALL for Isabel---and she loved it. Turns out she doesn't get sick on rides like her Dad. She is a little thrill-seeker like her Mom and her favorite ride was Space Mountain--which apparently they just improved---and I did like it. Here is a snapshot of Isa with Laura's little girl. Isabel says she is her new best friend.


Patti said...

This is so not helping my campaign (now reduced to begging) to get Dad to take me, Stace.

Caitlin said...

She looks so big. I'm glad she had fun but I have a feeling that I wouldn't have enjoyed it either.

sacramentostakeclerk said...

I love Disneyland! I mean, there are lots of people and a microwaveable chicken nugget kid's meal costs $12, but we still had fun.

However, we try to take our cue from George Costanza and leave on a high note. This means we've never seen the Light Parade (or whatever it's called), but we've always managed to leave with our children merely on the verge of screaming but not actually screaming.

kelly said...
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kelly said...
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kelly said...

I deleted those comments by accident but I'm too lazy to repost them.